I remember growing up with the Simpsons, watching it nearly every time it was on TV. It was funny, brilliant at times and most of all, extremely entertaining. It was one of my daily drugs, at least until I grew weary of it. Some people say it jumped the shark, but with a series that is still going since 1989 I don’t think you can say it jumped the shark only once, it probably has many times, and came back again. What I know is that I stopped watching some years ago. Never felt the need to revisit it.
And then came the movie, which I expected to be competent, but not really good. Well, I was wrong. The Simpsons movie is all how the series was like, when I still liked and watched it. It has an excellent plot, it’s funny and every character feels like he’s alive, in some other parallel universe where people are yellow. The movie made me care again for this bunch of fallibly but oh so human characters. It’s not the longest movie, but it doesn’t feel like just another TV-episode stretched for the big screen. It’s a story that actually feels big, important enough to be told on the big screen. And the movie made me itch to search out the rest of the seasons I missed. Sure, there might be awful stuff and lowpoints, but there must be good stuff too.
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