Download December Boys
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Daniel Radcliffe in December Boys
Download December Boys
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
City of Rott - Animated Zombie Movie
City of Rott, made in 2006, doesn't take any time to get off the ground. We immediately start off watching a nurse get attacked and bitten by zombies in a shopping mall, and hence we learn that the zombie plague is spread via these evil little brain worms that are transferred into fresh victims through a bite, are ejaculated out the zombies themselves and can infect you by, say, crawling into your ear, and they also inhabit most the water supplies. So pretty much the entire City of Rott is populated by the undead. We only see about seven human characters grace the screen for a handful of minutes before they die.
Except Fred. He's the "star" of this movie. Him, his walker, and his right slipper.
Download City of Rott
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
If you liked the first two films, then you should see this one. It picks up where the last one left off and leaves many questions unanswered, but that really isn’t the problem. It is entertaining, made to be a blockbuster hit. And for that, it delivers, giving you the thrill of the first time, but only the first time. But by the end of this movie, there are so many loose ends left to be tied that the fourth film is inevitable, if only anybody knew that three times was too much and I want to get off the ride.
Download Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Animation - Ratatouille
Yesterday I watched "Ratatouille". It had been highly recommended by friends and it was nominated for a Golden Globe. I tend to start watching things that have been nominated now, as I like to try to see as many of the Oscar noms before the date. I'd recommend Ratatouille. It's cute, clever and visually fun, and it's sure to appeal to foodies.
Download Ratatouille
Comedy - How The Grinch Stole Christmas
tag: Comedy, Jim Carrey

Now I personally don’t have a preference between Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Ron Howard’s version with Jim Carrey. I like Dr. Seuss’ version because it was the one I grew up with. I love the animation and the narration by Boris Karloff. I also feel the music was one of a kind; especially ‘You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.’ However, I thoroughly enjoyed Jim Carrey as the Grinch in the 2000 remake. Jim Carrey is great for the part, not only for his usual crazy antics but also in part by his facial expressions which actually mimic the original Grinch character! I have to give kudos to the directors/writers for being able to reinvent a beloved childhood classic into an hour and a half magical tale. Both versions are definitely wholesome family entertainment for adults and children alike. I give them my highest recommendation and hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Simpsons Movie

I remember growing up with the Simpsons, watching it nearly every time it was on TV. It was funny, brilliant at times and most of all, extremely entertaining. It was one of my daily drugs, at least until I grew weary of it. Some people say it jumped the shark, but with a series that is still going since 1989 I don’t think you can say it jumped the shark only once, it probably has many times, and came back again. What I know is that I stopped watching some years ago. Never felt the need to revisit it.
And then came the movie, which I expected to be competent, but not really good. Well, I was wrong. The Simpsons movie is all how the series was like, when I still liked and watched it. It has an excellent plot, it’s funny and every character feels like he’s alive, in some other parallel universe where people are yellow. The movie made me care again for this bunch of fallibly but oh so human characters. It’s not the longest movie, but it doesn’t feel like just another TV-episode stretched for the big screen. It’s a story that actually feels big, important enough to be told on the big screen. And the movie made me itch to search out the rest of the seasons I missed. Sure, there might be awful stuff and lowpoints, but there must be good stuff too.
Download The Simpsons movie
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Bruce Willis - Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard is the fourth installment in the legendary Die Hard series. Unlike the other Die Hard movies that largely involved explosions, guns, and high-speed car chases, Live Free or Die Hard seems to be trying to gain the appeal of all the geeks around the world. In this digital age, everything is controlled by computers and so the bad guy in this film is some guy who’s hacking into some of the biggest computers, like the ones that control our traffic lights and the ones that manage our banking information. Bruce Willis is definitely getting a little too old for roles like this and while I thought it was a little quirky to cast Justin Long (from the “I’m a Mac” ads) in a huge supporting role, the film as a whole is a bit of a let-down. Live Free or Die Hard is reasonably entertaining, but it doesn’t deserve to be a part of the Die Hard franchise.
Download Live Free or Die Hard
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Trasformers (my view)
tag: Download Trasformers

Hmm, special effects, action scenes, life-giving All spark, Sam’s mother :D
Oh, and Megatron - surprisingly elegant and dangerously looking in his alien spaceship form, plus he was given some good lines (or a noticeable amount of lines at all, unlike the rest of the Decepticons)
The bad:
Humiliating striping of secret agents (no matter how annoying) as a punishment by bratty teenagers and Bumblebee pissing at lubricating them. Not funny...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Top 3 Christmas Movies
tag: Christmas Movies
1. Christmas Vacation (1989)
How can you not love the Griswolds? If only Christmas could be like this at my house one year! This is one of my favorite movies of all time regardless of the time of the year.
2. Home Alone 2 (1992)
When it hit theaters in 1992, my then soon-to-be wife went to see it opening night. I have to admit I enjoyed it a lot and continue to watch it to this day.
3. The Santa Clause 2 (2002)
The Santa Clause does a great job of showing just how fun Christmas can be. The Santa Clause is one of those Christmas movies you should not be miss. It has some moments that are heartfelt and sincere. Tim Allen is one funny man!
Merry Christmas :-)
Comedy - Cougar Club
tag: download cougar club

Parts of this movie remind me of “My Three Sons,” “Leave It To Beaver,” and the slapstick of “The Carol Burnett Show.” All are funny, including the scenes with cameo appearances by Faye Dunaway and comedian Norm Crosby and a strong performance by Joe Mantegna as one of the three bosses at the law firm. I didn’t know he was a comedian, but he carries it off well. The other two men look like one has been borrowed from a local carpet commercial to play golf in his office during the day, the other, a common thug removed from the streets to do his own self-torture in waxing his body instead of working on divorce cases.
See this film and have some laughs. Lots of topless action, too. You cannot miss the racks!
Download Cougar Club
Monday, December 10, 2007
Gorgeous girls and Al Pacino
tag: download 88 minutes

The movie has a talented host of supporting actors with some stunningly gorgeous girls who all play their flimsy parts well. It’s amusing to see Pacino’s chemistry with such a differing range of female co-stars all of whom share seamless chemistry with Pacino. Alicia Witt, Leelee Sobieski, Amy Brennemann, Deborah Kara Unger, and Leah Carins all play their poorly etched characters well. William Forsythe is OK in his role. Neal McDonough is effective in his part.
Download "88 Minutes".
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Bourne Download
tag: download Bourne

The evidence, like lightning in a bottle, has been collected in a DVD box put. The Jason Bourne Collection arrives Tuesday, along with the separate DVD debut of the up-to-the-minute instalment in the franchise. The box plant contains the single-disc, widescreen-only DVDs of The Bourne Individuality (2002), The Bourn Supremacy (2004) and, of course, The Bourne Ultimatum (2007). If you already own the first-class honours degree two Bourne movies - in whatever of their various incarnations including the extended version of The Bourne Identity or the three-disc Bourne Files box set - you do not want this new offering.
Just add Ultimatum as a stand-alone. There is, however, is a bonus fourth disc packaged in the new box set, perhaps to entice or torture completionists. It comes in its have top-secret sleeve, which what looks like Jason Bourne\’s passport and information packet. Appropriate because he unravels his identity crisis in Ultimatum. With the bonus disk, The Jason Bourne Collection is a perfect gift for someone who has not yet experient a full blare of Bourne adrenalin. It is a rush unlike any other.
These are quality action pictures that deliver the requisite jolts without sacrificing a depth of character complexness. Damon\’s jagged edge in the role is fascinating because he never panders to an urge to make Bourne lovable or even likable. He is blemished, dark, dangerous, potentially insane. Uniquely, audiences root for him to succeed, to escape, and yet we simultaneously understand wherefore his espionage bosses - Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, the peerless Joan Allen Stewart Konigsberg — want him neutralized. Poignantly, because we so readily start roiled up in Jason Bourne\’s cloudy world, this is the end of the line - maybe.
Damon, who established his mainstream box office moxy with the series, spent months on the promotion trail for Ultimatum joking that a fourth movie would have to titled The Bourne Redundancy. “We have ridden that horse as far as we can,\” Damon said. But the waffle is already in play. He recently told Agence France Presse in Tokyo that he might be enticed again. Especially if two-time Bourne director Paul Greengrass, who replaced Bourne Identity film director Doug Liman on the series, besides returned for another instalment. In another ready-made metaphor, Damon reportedly said: “I don’t think either of us completely put the type to bed until now.”
The intriguing contribution of this story is that it may not matter if there is no reprise. Bourne is already a phenomenon. A trilogy may be sufficiency. Contrary to the pattern of most movies that get sequelized, the Bourne series improved both its critical rating and its box office with each instalment. Remarkably, the product budget, while too heading up, was kept under ascendency.
It started at $60 million for Identity and maxed out at $110 million for Ultimatum, tastefully modest for a big-budget with so many action sequences in locations from New York to London, Capital of France, Madrid and Tangiers. Meanwhile, the world box seat office (according to Box Office Mojo) grew from $214 million on Personal identity to $288.5 million on Supremacy to $437.5 million on Ultimatum. Clearly, there is an enormous public appetite. Paradoxically, that crataegus oxycantha be Damon\’s worst nightmare. Money could propel the franchise to continue, with or without him.
Documentary Movie - Arctic Tale

What is life like in the coldest place on earth? Queen Latifah narrates as cameras take viewers to the wondrous white world of the Arctic. Arctic Tale follows the adventures of Nanu, a polar bear cub, and Seela, a Walrus cub, as they struggle to survive in a changing world.
Now available to download, this highly educational documentary contains amazing footage of Nanu and Seela, along with many other fascinating animals from the ice kingdom. In documenting the lives of two cubs on different levels of the food chain, the film captures moments both tender and terrifying, so small children may be concerned about the polar bears eating other animals and about the aggressive tendencies of male polar bears toward females and cubs.
Also, the film has a strong message about global warming and our responsibility to live green and diminish the devastating effects as much as possible. Some kids may become concerned about the global warming issue, and parents can use the film as an opportunity to discuss the issue and teach kids about the environment and even about analytical thinking about controversial issues.
Download Arctic Tale